"Being on the receiving end of Dana’s coaching has heightened a level of self awareness that has seeped into every aspect of my life. With a load of care and incredible attention, she has helped reshape many unwanted thought patterns into ones that have empowered my being and existence... "
– Jen Pendleton
"Dana and her team have so much love and knowledge to share. This program, though geared towards dancers, is applicable to anyone; it gives you the tools to live the life you want, no matter what that life may be."
– Anonymous
"The things Dana speaks about are incredibly crucial to learn, especially when you are transitioning into a dance world where auditioning and hearing the word “no” are very common. I felt refreshed and learned something important every time we finished our meeting... "
– Azuki Umeda
"I have never felt more in touch with myself and my thoughts! Within each coaching session with Dana, I learn, grow, and understand deeper. Through these conversations I have gained the freedom and confidence to intentionally live life as my future self now!"
– Alyssa Dinka
"After working with Dana, I am definitely more aware of my weaknesses and blind spots but I've also gotten comfortable and confident with my strengths and pushing my limits. The act of reframing my thoughts has truly been a game changer for me and has led me through so many breakthroughs. I'm not afraid to share my work anymore!"
– Anonymous